Wednesday, October 1, 2014

History Repeats Itself

Everything is a remix.  There's nothing new under the sun.  Steve Jobs once said that Apple has been shameless about stealing great ideas.  Of course, he didn't like it when others copied his ideas.  Apple sued Microsoft when they saw features of Windows they believed were copied from them.  Yesterday Microsoft announced Windows 10, the newest version of Windows.  I've linked to a story about it below.  I noticed it includes multiple desktops, a feature that has been part of Mac OS X for a while.  Once again Microsoft may be borrowing ideas from Apple.  But Apple shouldn't complain; they stole their GUI-based operating system idea from Xerox.  Additionally, OS X is based on UNIX.  The ongoing story of Apple and Microsoft is just one example that everyone borrows others'  ideas and works them into their own.

1 comment:

  1. Good point, Spencer. The possibility of uniquely individual ideas, especially with what we have talked about in class, is becoming smaller.

    But of course, if I had a million-dollar idea, I might do all I could to prevent others from piggybacing off of my success. (Or more likely, I'll not realize the potential of my idea and let someone else take the idea and make millions off of it.)
