Family history
research was a difficult and slow process in the past. I haven't done
much myself, but my mother has for as long as I can remember. In my
younger years, I observed her using microfilm, CDs, and ancient-looking
programs. Those days are over from what I've seen of FamilySearch's
current version. I've recently read several articles about the Church's
progress in making genealogical research easier through technology. As a
web developer, it was interesting to see FamilySearch's progress. For
some time it seemed the Church's technology department had second or even third
level order of ignorance about taking full advantage of available technologies.
It's only recently they have improved and made websites which are easy to
use. I hope to see this trend continue.
I don't feel like the church has ever been against the righteous use of computers and technology. I think about the article we read before class today from the 1980s talking about the uses of computers in the church. I just think that the church has heightened its focus on technology as a means for influencing the world for good and spreading the gospel. Hearing the speaker in class today makes it clear that the technology side of the church is, in some ways, an industry leader in modern computing. It's exciting to see the church taking on that kind of role.